Deep Devotion

“Deep Devotion” can be understood as a profound spiritual journey with the aim of allowing participants to experience God from the heart and undergo internal transformation by the Lord. The process is similar to regular devotion, but its uniqueness lies in: 

  • Dedicating an extended period to collectively focus on quiet contemplation in a group setting.
  • Engaging in group prayers, silent intercessions, and individual communication with God.
  • Facilitating small group sharing of personal experiences and reflections on the practice, mutually inspiring and touching the depths of emotions and witnessing the genuine connection of life with the Lord.

As Christians, we recognize the significance of devotion, yet maintaining a consistent rhythm and preventing it from becoming routine can pose challenges for various reasons. Setting aside 60 minutes each week dedicated to the Lord, collectively focusing on quiet devotion, is akin to a mini-retreat. This doesn’t necessitate travelling to distant locations or dedicating several days; all it takes is 60 minutes a week of honest heart to be quietly watchful and experience the Lord's presence. 

“Deep Devotion” runs in four seasons yearly, spanning 7-8 weeks per season. Feel free to jump in at any time; whenever you have a moment, let’s embark on this spiritual journey together. We invite you to personally experience it, get to know Jesus on a deeper level, witness His goodness and love, and find peace and stability in a heart moulded by the Lord.

Online Meetings:

Suitable for brothers and sisters anywhere in the world.

In-personal Meetings:

Suitable for brothers and sisters living in Greater Vancouver area in BC, Canada.

2024 Theme

  • Jan - Feb Online Meetings:
    Who We Are?” –Thinking about our relationship with God, the church, and the community. We are not designed to be "lone rangers." What roles, positions, and ways should we engage and respond?
  • May - June In-person Meetings:
    Who I Am?” - Let us recognize our precious identity before God.

Experiences shared by leaders and participants


Leader of Deep Devotion

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Modern life is hectic for everyone, whether they’re working or retired. Various responsibilities and tasks make it challenging to take a pause. Christians are no exception. In the midst of our busy lives, we may not notice God’s presence because we often lack the spiritual space to connect with Him. 

Many city dwellers are afraid of silence, often using sound to fill every space. Amidst the noise, we can miss the gentle call of the Holy Spirit. Through deep devotion, we practice attuning to the Holy Spirit’s subtle voice, allowing us to experience God’s presence more deeply. 

“Deep Devotion” offers us a soul space to quietly rest in God, letting Him speak to us through the scriptures. As we close our eyes and settle into stillness, the pressures, emotions, worries, and hidden matters of our hearts emerge. In the group, many participants openly shared tearful prayers, and God touched the hearts of brothers and sisters through His words and thematic messages, providing personal comfort and healing. Group members silently prayed for each other’s needs, becoming companions on this transformative journey. 

Jesus said, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Drawing closer to God demands a starting point of quietness. As a leader, taking personal quiet time before leading helps me become more attuned to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This dual dose of quietness enables me to receive double blessings from God.


Participant (who just moved to Vancouver)

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One of the most profound experiences in participating in “Deep Devotion” is reading Ephesians 4:22-24, “put off your old self” and “put on the new self,” and 2 Corinthians 4:16, “… our inner self is being renewed day by day.” 

Since coming to live in Canada, I feel like I’ve started something“new,” which means I need to deal with and adapt to many different things. At the same time, I also feel tired and powerless. 

Under Tim Sir’s (Dr. Timothy Ngai) guidance in “Deep Devotion,” I can focus and enter a state of calmness in my mind before diving into the scripture. Through meditating on the scripture, I realize that “new” represents something good! The scripture reminds me that I can still have hope even on unclear days! 

In my daily life, the weekly “Deep Devotion” in a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere allows me to share the ups and downs of life, feelings, and spiritual journey with fellow believers. It empowers me to enter into quietness and, in turn, gain strength from the quietness. I am thankful to God!

Personally speaking, while I won’t dare to say I have spiritual growth, I know that my relationship with the Lord has become closer!


Participant (a seminary Student from CCST Vancovuer)

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In our complex and ever-changing society, everyone plays diverse roles. Whether within the family, workplace, or school, each person has a specific position and set of responsibilities. For Christians in the church, additional missions and roles come into play due to different ministries or services. This requires thoughtful effort to utilize God's gifts, fulfilling each believer's unique calling. Given the uniqueness of these callings, how believers accurately discern God’s calling becomes the foundation for responding correctly to God. Accurately receiving God’s calling is akin to tuning a radio to the right frequency; any deviation may result in hearing a broadcast with noise, causing us to miss the heart of God’s intention. 

Devotion is a spiritual practice, and “quietness” forms the foundation for good devotion. However, attaining “quietness” has become a challenge for today’s urbanites, distorting devotion like a broadcast with noise. Believers must find a space to temporarily escape the world’s complexities, focusing on listening to God’s revelation and understanding their deeper selves. Therefore, we need to gradually learn to open ourselves and create spiritual space for the Spirit of God to enter, enabling us to respond in line with God’s will. When cultivating such an intimate relationship with God, we can better utilize the gifts given by God and contribute to the building of the church. 

The “Deep Devotion Series: Who I Am?” at Makarios Institute For Spiritual Formation Ministries provided me with a precious, quiet space, allowing me to lay down the burdens and entanglements of different identities. It offered a chance to experience rest in Christ, distinct from the usual fellowship among believers or rational-focused Bible study groups. Instead, it served as an additional supplement, enabling participants to interact with God during the process. Through meditating on scripture, I discerned how God’s word interacted with my inner self, enabled me to engage in deep dialogue with God, touched my emotional side, understood the source or reason for my feelings, and empowered me to face current or future challenges. I recalled one time during meditating on Romans 8:17,  I felt affirmed by God in my identity as His child. As a theology student who recently left the workplace, this moment of affirmation was something my inner self needed.  This discovery is crucial because I’ve identified my needs and received strength from Him. Consequently, my inner being felt comforted, as if being gently touched. His hand became the greatest source of support in my life, transforming into strength to learn from Jesus’ endurance in times of fatigue and holding onto the hope of sharing in the glory of Christ.