Renewing your Mind: Transformation and Discipline
  1. Foundations of Spiritual Formation
  2. Reformation of the Heart and Soul
  3. Rediscovering the True Self
  4. Prayer Life
  5. Life Direction
  6. Life Transformation
Spiritual Practices: Meditatio, Prayer of the Heart
Small Group Practices: Holy Listening and Responding, True & False Self
Personal Spiritual Caring: Minimum 1 session, to be led by the Spiritual Direction graduates, 2nd year CCSD students, or Spiritual Directors approved by MISFM.
Our hope through this class:
  • Enhance students’ self-awareness
  • Establishing a practice of personal prayer
  • Practice Interactive Devotion and Meditation
  • Learn spiritual disciplines from "brain" to "heart" and to build a closer relationship with God
  • Experience and practice the renewal and reshaping of your mind, and move towards a life that becomes more and more like Christ
Class A (HK Sat 8:00-10:30am)          
Orientation (Mandatory for new students) : Oct 25, 2024 (8:00-9:00am)
Class: Oct 25, 2024; Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024
Class B (Van Tue 7:00-9:30pm)

Orientation (Mandatory for new students) : Oct 15, 2024 (7:00-8:00pm)
Class: Oct 22, 29, 2024; Nov 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
Each Class: 6 lessons(Including 6 sessions of  2.5-hour Class time and small group meeting. In addition, student is required to watch ~6 hours of teaching videos and attend 1 Spiritual Caring session.)

Small group time will be grouped into "Cantonese", "Mandarin" and "Pastoral" (For pastoral coworkers and missionaries, mainly in Cantonese)
Born-again Christians, subjected to interview as needed.
Oct 8, 2024
Administration Fee only: CAD $199 +5% GST per module.
(For pastoral coworkers and missionaries who need financial support may contact the registration office.)
(MISFM students who took this module between Jan 2020 and June 2023 has the privilege to retake this module one time for free on or before June 2026. )
Graduation and Certificate
CAD $100 +5% GST
Build Up
Practice focusing on Jesus, letting His love permeate my life, having the courage to face the darkness and weaknesses of the true self, making the connection with the Lord genuine and real.


Oct - Nov

Renewing your Mind: Transformation and Discipline


Jan - Feb

Understanding and Engaging in Inner Struggles and Spiritual Warfare


Mar - Apr

Living out the Will of God in Daily Life


May -Jun

Gospel Beliefs and Gospel Living